Sunday, March 30, 2008
house-moving is no mean feat esp when i spent the last 8hrs trying to pack my stuff and knowing I still have more to pack later. it is so goddamn tiring and this is not something that you can pay to get help cos u nid to know what you wanna throw away and wat u wanna keep and which box you have packed them in for easy retrieval later on.
if only i am freaking rich, i can just throw away all my belongings and buy everything BRANDNEW. wahaha.... dunnid pack sia. BUT i am not. :S
10yrs ago, i shifted to my present unit and lived amongst boxes for 6mths before i decide to get off my lazyass and unpack my stuffs. This time round, I swear I will try to unpack all my boxes and get everything in place in 3mths.
Oh and btw, anybody who is reading this... please gimme some tips and tricks to house-moving... you know like what i should prepare when i meet the interior designer for the first time, how should i negotiate for the quotation etc. And also, please please let me know...that's if you ever know...what is the fastest way to change my address such that I do not miss out on any mails.
Change of address is by far the most difficult issue on hand now as I will have to shift out from my current unit in 3 weeks time. Put up at a rental unit for 3-4mths before i can shift into my new place. Now i dunno wea my mail should go to in between this period. *headaches*
it snowed at 2:49 AM