A guy who is nice to you but mean to the waiter, is not a nice guy.
I tink the above statement is very very true. If i didnt remember wrongly, i have blog something similar long ago. But anyways, wat does NICE truly means?
Nice (as defined in www.dictionary.com and in the context of what i am going to talk about)
1. Pleasing and agreeable in nature
2. Exhibiting courtesy and politeness
3. Of good character and reputation
Ppl in general are nice accdg to definition 1 & 2. However, there are some who aren't cos they alwis like to act as if they know all and is definitely not agreeable to anything that u say and goes all out to prove u wrong. This is one type of ppl that i am absolutely irritated with. Snooty ppl who are full of themselves and refute the ideas, suggestions or watever by others who they deemed of lesser capability than them. Hey.. U R NOT ALWIS RIGHT, U NOE? & DUN FREAKING TINK U NOE EVERYTHING!
And there's another type of ppl that kinda turn me off as well, and that's ppl who likes to tell others, "I am NICE!", not once, not twice but constantly rave from time to time how NICE he is and that their frenz tink so too. *faints*
It's like NICE is a compliment to be given by others cos it is an opinion of how ppl tink of u but not for u to go publicise for urself . I have met one such person and i am truly turned off ... imagine the impact that person left on me.. i have yet to forget it till date. I shudder to recollect that individual saying, "I am a nice guy. I am very nice to my frenz .. yadda yadda yadda... " *foams at the mouth and drop dead*
*lol* Back to the first sentence in tis entry. The best part is this person is mean to the waiter but "pretends" to be nice to me. I say "pretends" cos he wasn't too nice to me when he noes i dun like him. I am so glad I wasnt taken in by such fake "nice-ness". Yikes... Woe betides me if i did.
it snowed at 7:25 PM
Happiness are short-lived like the flame on a matchstick... for tis instance
I hate the world today.
it snowed at 6:28 PM
a gift that means alot, a sincere apology, a sentence that hasn't been heard for long and doubts answered..... a day to remember.
it snowed at 12:58 AM
Friday, July 07, 2006
All By Myself
This is one of those days where i tink i feel better being alone than being ard ppl. Never did understood the concept of "me time" until i grew much older. It's like i never like to be alone, nvr like to be by myself but the older i get.. the more i appreciate having time to myself to do the things i wanna do all alone. Not having to talk to anybody, not having to consider the feelings of others before doing anything... i tink that's really nice.
Being alone allows me time to sort out my personal tots as well, but sometimes i find that i tink a tad too much. Grrr....
it snowed at 3:48 PM
Thursday, July 06, 2006
My fav chinese song of the moment!